Studies show many benefits of gratitude. Gratitude can make our life abundant —with money. Counting your blessing doesn’t only improve your relationship and life’s perspective, it also leads to financial well-being. There is a saying “ Whatever we appreciate appreciates.” Meaning, whatever we appreciate or are grateful for increases in value. Appreciating money means acknowledging its value and how we are blessed in many ways–by money. Here are some reasons for gratitude with money;
- Money gives us lifestyle freedom – For some people, money allows them to choose where to live and where to go. Money determines the quality of life you enjoy and the comfort you have in living. More money means an opportunity to travel anywhere, but for some, it is also an opportunity to stay home and be with their families. Money is not the most important thing but it is nearly at it.
- Appreciate money to motivate us in achieving more – Money drives our desire to change our financial standing. Our desire to give more, have more, and do more motivates us to grow and explore. Hence, it pushes us in tolerating our discomfort to be more productive and attain success. New goals financially allow us to obtain self-identity by discovering our skills and capabilities.
- We can do our priorities with money – Money gratitude teaches us to be self-disciplined. It teaches us to value delayed gratification. We learn to budget for the things that are most important to us. It also assists us in developing a habit of sensible spending and understanding that while we may not be able to have everything we wish right now, we may have them or save for the things we desire most.
- Money gratitude teaches us generosity – as Christians, we believe that God will provide. Even though we think that there is not enough we still manage to give and share. As we appreciate the money that comes to us we become grateful regardless of the amount or abundance it has. We learn to give back what we have received and are astounded by what money can accomplish and the influence it can have on the lives of those in need.
Though money is important to our lives we don’t have it abundantly all the time. We still need to learn ways how to spend and live according to what we have. Money gratitude only inspires us to be grateful for the money and learn the value entails of appreciating it.
Living According to One’s Means

Can we all agree that money is important? Notwithstanding the general statement that money does not or cannot buy happiness. It is evident beyond any reasonable doubt that money provides a secure existence. The problem is, a majority of us were raised with a cultural bias about money. Where wealth and the wealthy are treated with suspicion, where we are taught not to envy them but to see the limitations that wealth has and the potential trouble it can create.
Some of us have grown to see money as dirty, as though being poor is a virtue. However, there is nothing virtuous about being poor, being in debt, or watching loved ones live as destitute. There is a quote which goes thus, “wealth does not lie in amassing a treasure of great possessions but in having a few wants”, this can also be further explicitly rephrased as “wealth does not lie in amassing a great worldly possession, but in having satisfaction and being contented with a few wants” because gratitude for what you have is probably the best insurance against greed.
Since it is human nature to keep wanting more -because the more we get our needs, the more we have other needs- how then does having an attitude of gratitude secure the state of our finances and ultimately shield us from the irritable consequences that come from greed? This is not easy, but the best answer is to focus only on God, never worrying about those future needs which have to be met, and to keep being contented.
Planning and Managing Your Budget
Oftentimes people tend to spend money impulsively when they are frustrated, trying to lift their spirits, or just for the fun of it. There are times when we make budgets on how we’d spend our money but end up doing something completely different and end up feeling distraught after that brief but thrilling moment of frivolous spending. Other times it could be a temptation from social media, one moment you’re scrolling through Instagram then a nice pair of shoe advert pops up, which you don’t need by the way, and the next your click away from your savings. Perhaps it’s that one time you passed by a shop and after seeing a beautiful dress you shouldn’t buy you find yourself reaching for your wallet.
These are classic traps a majority of us fall into. While life isn’t a walk in the park and is full of challenges here and there, if we go through life feeling like our circumstances are less than what we need to be happy for, we are more likely to overspend to fill that void. On the contrary, we focus our minds on the things we are grateful for daily, more often than not, we will not feel the urge to “make up” for what is not there. Although, working towards achieving great goals in life doesn’t mean you aren’t happy with what you have now but don’t get carried away by your future expectations that you forget to live happily in the moment.
A daily practice of gratitude can help curtail that impulsive need to spend and help you stick to your budget. When you’re grateful for what you already have, you can honestly evaluate the pros and cons of every financial decision you need to make. You won’t be as likely to make decisions out of fear, or from an insatiable mindset. Instead, you’ll feel fulfilled thus empowered to make financial decisions and leverage your wealth which will move you towards attaining your long-term goals and positively impact both you and your family.
The Scarcity versus Abundance Mindset

The scarcity mindset is based on the belief that there will never be enough, which results in feelings of fear, stress, and anxiety which consequently leads to a toxic financial habit. It is believed that a daily practice of gratitude attracts more abundance to your life. “Whatever you sow, you shall reap right?” When you genuinely believe there’s plenty to go around and that you are grateful for what you already have, you become focused and begin to take advantage of opportunities when they show up.
Your ability to be comfortable and confident in your financial means gives you the flexibility you need to make future decisions that will continually increase abundance in your life and as such, limit debts.